I just came back from the OS. They basically just took new x-rays, new molds and pictures. I am supposed to see him in 2 weeks to go over the new x-rays, etc and finalize everything. He gave me a long list of people on which he performed the same or similar surgery to mine over the past 5 years. He said I can contact them and ask questions but I don't know if I will do that - he just provided phone numbers so I feel a bit weird just calling these strange people and bothering them. They gave me a written letter stating all my deformities and what needs to be done to correct it, etc. It states that I have apertognathia (open bite), maxillary cant and retrusion (top jaw assymetry and anterior under-growth) and mandibular prognathism and cant (bottom jaw anterior over-growth and assymetry)! I guess my case is a lot more complicated than I thought...
They are planning on doing a Lefort I - leveling the maxilla and advancing 3.5mm to correct the cant and retrusion and begin correction of the apertognathia. And the BSSO - moving the mandible 3mm back and 4mm up, with leveling, to correct the prognathism, complete correction of the apertognathia, and establish framework for a stable and functional occlusion.
I have started a probiotic and cleaned up my diet to nutritious, whole foods to prepare my body for surgery/recovery. I am disappointed that I still have not been able to put on any weight and I doubt that I will. I am praying that I don't lose too much weight during this whole process...
8 years ago