Friday, May 8, 2009

2nd Adjustment

I had my 2nd adjustment yesterday. It was supposed to be May 18th but I had some last minute travel plans so I had to go in early. Anyway, it was very fast yesterday - maybe 5 minutes.. I am so happy she took the stained ligatures off (from smoking) - they looked disgusting. The orthodontist told me I really have to go see the OS for the consult ASAP - she said she needs to start making bite decisions. I am in the process of getting health insurance - hopefully I'll be approved - after that I gotta make an appointment with the OS.

Anyway, my upper right teeth are very sore today.. nothing much going on - going away for 2 weeks yay! That's about it.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh darling, not to preach, but I have to say (being a med student and all)... do think of cutting back the old cigs... In time for surgery at least. Your recovery will be much, much better, easier and generally safer if you do! But if the worst comes to the worst then you'll be able to quit once you're recovering - I've smoked a fair few in the past and am always craving but try to ignore it - I definitely couldn't think of anything I wanted to do less though when I was post-op!!! :)
